April Results
egood, Apr 30 2011

Online cash: +$1350.62
Live cash: +$1900
Overall: +$3250.62
So decent month, hopefully will get my money from FTP soon. Didn't play much live this month as I had a fair amount of work, plus trying to hit the gym more frequently. Also doing the hour drive to and from the casino is starting to be a bit annoying. I have some money on merge but I think I'm just gonna stick to live for a bit, and focus more on getting healthy and stuff.
Might be taking an internship in seattle with some friends for the summer as well. Also was looking into getting a dog, a greyhound, but may have to wait until the fall or august for that.
March Results
egood, Mar 31 2011
So first real month of being back at the tables has ended. Looking forward to the coming months.
This month's results. Not gonna post graph cause its lulzy.
+$4,589 live cash
+$1,113.52 online cash
+$366.88 rakeback
-$400 roulette/blackjack
Total = +5,669.4
Looking to hit the tables hard next month, move up to 100nl online and take shot at some 5/10 live.
Theres a $50k freeroll at my local casino in May, and you need to play 60hrs live to get a seat, so will probably be playing a bit more live in April.
Also gonna try to win a seat at the main event this year. satellites have started, so looking forward to trying to grab a seat.
Good luck in April everyone!
Never give up.
egood, Mar 28 2011
25nl Rush is teh lulz.

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